Website Design & DevelopmentFor Healthcare


Your Practice and Your Patients Benefit when your website is optimized.

Having a website that is mobile optimized, fast, accessible and user friendly will ensure that patients have a good first impression and a positive experience when interacting with your brand online. Without having a website that meets the above criteria, your digital marketing efforts will never achieve their full potential.

Even if patients find your website online, a negative browsing experience will deter them from booking an appointment with your office. Negative browsing experiences entail websites which are slow to load, websites that don’t work on mobile devices and websites that fail to provide patients with the relevant information quickly. This includes online booking, phone numbers and office addresses. Google will also negatively rank websites that don’t meet their performance criteria and provide a bad user experience.

Healthcare Professional using a laptop
Responsive design website mockup

We ensure that your website is fast, mobile optimized, accessible, user friendly, sercure, and aesthetically pleasing.

Our Websites are Built for Healthcare

Accessible Designs
Secure Forms
Integrated Careers Page
Appointment Booking
Built In SEO
3rd Party Vendor Integration
Mobile Friendly
People discussing user experience

Our Design Principles are Guided by Years of User Experience Research

We are staunch believers of the form follows function school of design. We apply that throughout our design process to ensure that everything on the page serves a purpose. We try and avoid superfulous design elements so that your patients can easily access the information they need without feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.

Frequently asked questions

Am I locked in if I choose HealthOne Digital?
You are not locked in and can transfer your website at any time. Since we use open source and popular technologies, any competent modern web developer can manage your website.
Do you provide hosting services?
We do not provide hosting but can help you setup with any hosting provider of your choosing. Depending on the complexity of your website or web application, we may need to setup multiple hosting vendors.
Can I edit my website by myself?
You will be able to add/remove/edit any content in the Content Management System which includes Services, Team Members, Job Openeings etc. You will not be able to edit the design of the website or content which serves that design.
What if I want to make changes to my website?
It's as easy as sending us an email with the changes you would like. We are here to keep your website updated. Just as you would not let patients self prescribe medication, in the same vein, we want to ensure that your website maintains the design principles you chose us to implement.
What if I already have an existing Wordpress website with a lot of blog posts and content?
With the recent introduction of the Wordpress REST API, we can easily access content from your existing website if you so wish. You can continue using the wordpress interface your are familair with to manage your content while having a brand new website at the same time.
Can I add a Content Management System later?
Yes you can. We can integrate a Content Management System into your HealthOne Website even if you initially chose not to have one.

It's time to upgrade your digital presence.

Contact Us For a No Obligation Consult